Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography compiled by Stefan Blaschke |
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Start: Topical Index: Types: Rape:
Types: Rape: [Site] General I. Author Index [Info] Southard, Susanna W. »Rape.« The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Love, Courtship, and Sexuality Through History. Vol. 1. Edited by James W. Howell. Westport 2008: 131-133. [Info] Westbrook, Raymond. »Introduction: The Character of Ancient Near Eastern Law.« A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law. Vol. 1. Edited by Raymond Westbrook. Leiden 2003: 1-90. II. Speaker Index [Info] Pyy, Elina, org. Ancient Rape Cultures: Greek, Roman, Jewish, Christian: International Conference Rome 2022. [Site] Prehistory I. Author Index [Info] Scott, Eleanor. »The use and misuse of rape in prehistory.« Indecent Exposure: Sexuality, Society and the Archaeological Record. Edited by Lynne Bevan. Glasgow 2001: 1-18. II. Speaker Index [Site] Assyrian History Types: Wartime Rape I. Author Index [Info] Cooper, Jerrold S. Virginitiy in Ancient Mesopotamia. Sex and Gender in the Ancient Near East: Proceedings of the 47th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Helsinki, July 2-6, 2001. Part I. Edited by S. Parpola et al. Helsinki 2002: 91-112. [Info] D mare-Lafont, Sophie. La preuve du viol dans les droits du Proche-Orient ancien. La Preuve en justice de l'Antiquit nos jours. Edited by Bruno Lemesle. Rennes 2003: 13-22. [Info] Lafont, Sophie. Mesopotamia: Middle Assyrian Period. A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law. Vol. 1. Edited by Raymond Westbrook. Leiden 2003: 521-563. [Info] Peled, Ilan. Law and Gender in the Ancient Near East and the Hebrew Bible. London 2020. [Info] Scholz, Susanne. 'Back Then It Was Legal': The Epistemological Imbalance in Readings of Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Rape Legislation. The Bible and Critical Theory 1 (2005). [Info] Scholz, Susanne. 'Back Then It Was Legal': The Epistemological Imbalance in Readings of Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Rape Legislation. Journal of Religion & Abuse 7 (2005): 5-35. [Info] Scholz, Susanne. The Bible as Political Artifact: On The Feminist Study of the Hebrew Bible. Minneapolis 2017. [Info] Stol, Marten. Vrouwen van Babylon: Prinsessen, priesteressen, prostituees in de bakermat van de cultuur. Utrecht 2012. [Info] Stol, Marten. Women in the Ancient Near East. Berlin 2016. [Info] Tetlow, Elisabeth M. Women, Crime, and Punishment in Ancient Law and Society. Vol. 1: The Ancient Near East. New York 2004. [Info] Troy, Beth. Legally Bound: A Study of Women's Legal Status in the Ancient Near East. .A. Thesis, Miami University, 2004. II. Speaker Index [Site] Babylonian History I. Author Index [Info] Peled, Ilan. Law and Gender in the Ancient Near East and the Hebrew Bible. London 2020. [Info] Reynolds, James B. Sex Morals and the Law in Ancient Egypt and Babylon. Journal of the American Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology 5 (1914): 20-31. [Info] Scholz, Susanne. 'Back Then It Was Legal': The Epistemological Imbalance in Readings of Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Rape Legislation. The Bible and Critical Theory 1 (2005). [Info] Scholz, Susanne. 'Back Then It Was Legal': The Epistemological Imbalance in Readings of Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Rape Legislation. Journal of Religion & Abuse 7 (2005): 5-35. [Info] Scholz, Susanne. The Bible as Political Artifact: On The Feminist Study of the Hebrew Bible. Minneapolis 2017. [Info] Stol, Marten. Vrouwen van Babylon: Prinsessen, priesteressen, prostituees in de bakermat van de cultuur. Utrecht 2012. [Info] Stol, Marten. Women in the Ancient Near East. Berlin 2016. [Info] Troy, Beth. Legally Bound: A Study of Women's Legal Status in the Ancient Near East. .A. Thesis, Miami University, 2004. [Info] Westbrook, Raymond. Mesopotamia: Old Babylonian Period. A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law. Vol. 1. Edited by Raymond Westbrook. Leiden 2003: 361-430. II. Speaker Index [Info] Brennan, Kathleen. The Rape of Babylon. Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. San Diego 2007. [Info] D mare-Lafont, Sophie. La preuve du viol dans les droits du Proche-Orient ancien. La Preuve en justice de l'Antiquit nos jours. Edited by Bruno Lemesle. Rennes 2003: 13-22. [Info] Scholz, Susanne. Back Then It Was Legal : The Epistemological Divide Regarding Rape Laws In Ancient Israel. Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. San Antonio 2004. [Site] Byzantine History Types: Child Sexual Abuse; Representations: Literary Texts: Colluthus I. Author Index [Info] Botta, Fabio. "Stuprum per vim illatum" e "iniuria in corpus": Profili dogmatici del reato di violenza carnale nelle fonti giuridiche fra terzo e sesto secolo d.C. Ius antiquum No. 10 (2002): 129-156. [Info] Botta, Fabio. "Per vim inferre": Studi su stuprum violento e raptus nel diritto romano e bizantino. Cagliari 2004. [Info] Laiou, Angeliki E., ed. Consent and Coercion to Sex and Marriage in Ancient and Medieval Societies. Washington, D.C. 1993. II. Speaker Index [Site] Chinese History Types: Attempted Rape, Gang Rape, Wartime Rape [Site] Egyptian History Cases: Biblical Offenders: Joseph; Biblical Victims: Potiphar's Wife; Fictional Victims: Hatmehit; Mythological Offenders: Geb, Osiris, Seth; Mythological Victims: Horit, Horus, Tefnut Types: Attempted Rape, Child Sexual Abuse, Same-Sex Rape [Info] Gammie, John G. Herodotus on Kings and Tyrants: Objective Historiography or Conventional Portraiture? Journal of Near Eastern Studies 45 (1986): 171-195. [Info] Jasnow, Richard. Egypt: Third Intermediate Period. A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law. Vol. 2. Edited by Raymond Westbrook. Leiden 2003: 777-818. [Info] Johnson, Janet H. The legal status of women in ancient Egypt. Mistress of the House, Mistress of Heaven: Women in Ancient Egypt. Edited by Anne K. Capel et al. New York 1996: 175-186. [Info] Landgr fov , Renata, et al. Taboos of the Golden Goddess: Sexual Taboos in the First Intermediate Period and Middle Kingdom Egypt. My Things Changed Things: Social Development and Cultural Exchange in Prehistory, Antiquity, and the Middle Ages. Edited by Petra M. Vl?kov et al. Prague 2009: 34-46. [Info] Lippert, Sandra L. Einf hrung in die alt gyptische Rechtsgeschichte. M nster 2008. [Info] Mati?, Uro . Violence and Gender in Ancient Egypt. London 2021. [Info] M ller-Wollermann, Renate. Vergehen und Strafen: Zur Sanktionierung abweichenden Verhaltens im alten gypten. Leiden 2004. [Info] M ller-Wollermann, Renate. Crime and Punishment in Pharaonic Egypt. Near Eastern Archaeology 78 (2015): 228-235. [Info] M ller-Wollermann, Renate. Crime and Punishment in Pharaonic Egypt. The Ancient Near East Today 4 (2016). [Info] Reynolds, James B. Sex Morals and the Law in Ancient Egypt and Babylon. Journal of the American Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology 5 (1914): 20-31. [Info] Salim, Rana. Cultural Identity and Self-presentation in Ancient Egyptian Fictional Narratives: An Intertextual Study of Narrative Motifs from the Middle Kingdom to the Roman Period. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Copenhagen, 2013. [Info] Skarsouli, Eleni. P.Oxyrhyncha: Edition dokumentarischer Papyri aus der K lner Sammlung. Paderborn 2020. [Info] Tyldesley, Joyce. Judgement of the Pharaoh: Crime and Punishment in Ancient Egypt. London 2000. [Info] van Loon, A.J. Law and Order in Ancient Egypt: The Development of Criminal Justice from the Pharaonic New Kingdom until the Roman Dominate. M.A. Thesis, Leiden University, 2014. [Site] Etruscan History Types: Wartime Rape [Site] Germanic History [Info] Bergdolt, Klaus. Kastration. Reallexikon der germanischen Altertumskunde. Vol. 16. Edited by Heinrich Beck et al. Berlin 2000: 326-327. [Info] Bernad Segarra, Lucia. La posici n jur dica de la mujer con relaci n a los delitos de rapto, estupro, violaci n y adulterio en el edicto de Teodorico. Anuario Da Facultade De Dereito Da Universidade Da Coru a 22 (2018): 21-53. [ [Info] Vihervalli, Ulriika. Deviance and Disaster: Rationalising sexual morality in Western Christian discourses, AD 390 - AD 520. Ph.D. Thesis, Cardiff University, 2017. [Site] Greek History Cases: Fictional Offenders: Charisios, Moschion; Fictional Victims: Pamphile, Plangon | Mythological Cases: General; Mythological Offenders: Achilles, Ajax, Apollo, Boreas, Tereus, Theseus, Zeus; Mythological Victims: Aegina, Antiope, Ariadne, Cassandra, Daphne, Deidamia, Helen, Oreithyia, Philomela; Real Offenders: Alexander the Lynkestian; Real Victims: Timokleia; Types: Attempted Rape, Bestial Rape, Child Sexual Abuse, Serial Rape, Slave Rape, Same-Sex Rape Wartime Rape; Society: Rape Culture; Representations: Literary Texts: Achilles Tatios, Aeschylus, Alcaeus, Callimachus, Euripides, Lycophron, Menander, Quintus Smyrnaeus, Sophocles, Tryphiodorus, Xenophon of Ephesus; Religious Texts: Pauline Epistles; Travel Writing: Pausanias [Info] Arieti, James A. Women and rape in Greek philosophy. Rape in Antiquity: 20 years on. London 2017. [Info] Buis, Emiliano J. Mythology. Encyclopedia of Rape. Edited by Merril D. Smith. Westport 2004: 132-134. [Info] Caldwell, John M. Religion and Sexual Violence in Late Greco-Roman Antiquity. Ph.D. Thesis, Syracuse University, 2003. [Info] Chrystal, Paul. In Bed with the Ancient Greeks. Stroud 2016. [Info] Cohen, David. Consent and sexual relations in classical Athens. Consent and coercion to sex and marriage in ancient and medieval societies. Edited by Angeliki E. Laiou. Washington 1993: 5-16. [Info] Deacy, Susan, et al., eds. Rape in Antiquity: Sexual Violence in the Greek and Roman Worlds. London 1997. [Info] Deacy, Susan. The vulnerability of Athena. Parthenoi and rape in Greek myth. Rape in antiquity. Sexual violence in the Greek and Roman worlds. Edited by Susan Deacy et al. London 1997: 43-64. [Info] Deacy, Susan, et al., eds. Rape in Antiquity: Sexual Violence in the Greek and Roman Worlds. London 2002. [Info] Deacy, Susan. "Heroic rapes", desire, and sexuality. The impenetrability of desire. Women s experience of sex and sexuality in ancient Greece. Edited by Susan Deacy et al. Cambridge, forthcoming. [Info] Deacy, Susan, et al. The Whole-University Approach to the Pedagogy of Domestic Violence. From Abortion to Pederasty: Addressing Difficult Topics in the Classics Classroom. Columbus 2014: 92-106. [Info] Deacy, Susan, et al., org. Rape in Antiquity: 20 years on. London 2017. [Info] Deacy, Susan. Violence, power and beyond: Rape in antiquity 20 years on. Rape in Antiquity: 20 years on. London 2017. [Info] Deacy, Susan. »Introduction: 'Twenty Years Ago': Revisiting Rape in Antiquity.« Revisiting Rape in Antiquity: Sexualised Violence in Greek and Roman Worlds London 2023: 1-16. [Info] Deacy, Susan, et al, eds. Revisiting Rape in Antiquity: Sexualised Violence in Greek and Roman Worlds. London 2023. [Info] Diller, Richard M. Unbridled passion. Hippomorphism and sexual violence in Greek mythology. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Chicago, 1997. [Info] Eder, Franz X. Eros, Wollust, S nde: Sexualit t in Europa von der Antike bis in die Fr he Neuzeit. Frankfurt/Main 2018. [Info] Fletcher, Judith. Rape. The Encyclopedia of Greek Tragedy. Vol. III. Edited by Hanna M. Roisman. Chichester 2014. [Info] Gaca, Kathy L. Aristotle and the Peripatetics on the Historiography of Martial Rape. 146th Annual Meeting of the Society for Classical Studies. New Orleans 2015. [Info] Gaca, Kathy L. Martial Rape, Pulsating Fear, and the Sexual Maltreatment of Girls (Paides), Virgins (Parthenoi), and Women (gynaikes) in Antiquity. Women in the Classical World. Vol. 3. Edited by Sharon L. James et al. London 2017: 103-149. [Info] Gilhaus, Lennart. Physische Gewalt in der griechisch-r mischen Antike: Ein Forschungsbericht. H-Soz-Kult (July 13, 2017). [Info] Gold, Barbara. Teaching Ancient Comedy: Joking About Race, Ethnicity, and Slavery. From Abortion to Pederasty: Addressing Difficult Topics in the Classics Classroom. Columbus 2014: 199-211. [Info] Harris, Edward M. "Yes" and "no" in women's desire. Sex in Antiquity: Exploring Gender and Sexuality in the Ancient World. Edited Mark Masterson et al. New York 2015. [Info] Harrison, Thomas. Herodotus and the ancient Greek idea of rape. Rape in antiquity. Sexual violence in the Greek and Roman worlds. Edited by Susan Deacy et al. London 1997: 185-208. [Info] Harrod, Kirsty. »Rape and Respectability in the Athenian oikos.« Ancient Rape Cultures: Greek, Roman, Jewish, Christian: International Conference Rome 2022. [Info] Hofmann, Dagmar. Rape. The Encyclopedia of Ancient History. Vol. X. Edited by Roger S. Bagnall et al. Malden 2013: 5734-5735. [Info] Hong, Yurie. Discussing Controversial Topics in the Classroom: What to Do and Why. 141st Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association. Anaheim 2010. [Info] Hong, Yurie. Talking About Rape in the Classics Classroom. Classical World 106 (2013): 669-675. [Info] Hubbard, Thomas K. Addressing Campus Rape as a Classicist. 114th Annual Meeting of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South. Albuquerque 2018. [Info] Hunt, Steven. Teaching Sensitive Topics in the Secondary Classics Classroom. The Journal of Classics Teaching No. 34 (2016): 31-43. [Info] James, Sharon L. Talking Rape in the Classics Classroom: Further Thoughts. From Abortion to Pederasty: Addressing Difficult Topics in the Classics Classroom. Edited by Nancy S. Rabinowitz et al. Columbus 2014: 171-186. [Info] Jeppesen-Wigelsworth, Alison. Pedagogical Issues in Classics. Editor s Introduction: Teaching Rape. Cloelia 1 (2011): 25-26. [Info] Joplin, Patricia K. The Voice of the Shuttle Is Ours. Rape and Representation. Edited by Lynn A. Higgins et al. New York 1991: 35-64. [Info] Kennedy, Rebecca F. Consent and Rape: Is It a Modern Thing? No. Classics at the Intersections (August 4, 2017). [Info] Keuls, Eva C. The reign of the phallus. Sexual politics in ancient Athens. New York 1985. [Info] Keuls, Eva C. Il regno della fallocrazia. La politica sessuale ad Atene. Milan 1988. [Info] Keuls, Eva C. The reign of the phallus. Sexual politics in ancient Athens. Berkeley 1993. [Info] Koutsopetrou-M ller, Sotiria R. Rape culture in Classical Athens? CLARA 7 (2021). [Info] Kügler, Joachim. »Warum man einen Mann nicht ‚zur Frau machen‘ soll und warum es sich bisweilen trotzdem lohnt: Historische Schlaglichter zum Zusammenhang von Männlicher Herrschaft, Misogynie und der Bewertung mann-männlichen Geschlechtsverkehrs.« Sodomiter, Päderasten, Homosexuelle: Mann-männliches Begehren und homosexuelles Handeln von der Antike bis zur Ehe für alle. Edited by Klaus van Eickels et al. Bamberg 2024: 83-128. [Info] Laiou, Angeliki E., ed. Consent and Coercion to Sex and Marriage in Ancient and Medieval Societies. Washington, D.C. 1993. [Info] Lauriola, Rosanna. The Shuttle of Their Voices: A Comment on a Class Response to an Assignment About Rape. Cloelia 1 (2011): 26-31. [Info] Lefkowitz, Mary R. Seduction and rape in Greek myth. Consent and coercion to sex and marriage in ancient and medieval societies. Edited by Angeliki E. Laiou. Washington, D.C. 1993: 17-37. [Info] Lepp nen-Sj berg, Birgitta. Mannens heder, kvinnans skam. Attityder till v ldt kt och ktenskapsbrott i det klassiska Aten. Nyt nkande och eftertankar. K n, kulturella f rest llningar och livsvillkor. Ett urval artiklar fr n STRAS-projektet. Edited by Birgitta Meurling et al. Uppsala 2006: 19-31. [Info] Mass glia, Jane, chair. Rape Narratives. The Classical Association Annual Conference. Leicester 2018. [Info] Masterson, Mark, et al, eds. Sex in Antiquity: Exploring Gender and Sexuality in the Ancient World. New York 2015. [Info] McGinn, Thomas A.J. Prostitution: Controversies and New Approaches. A Companion to Greek and Roman Sexualities. Edited by Thomas K. Hubbard. Oxford 2014: 83-101. [Info] Morales, Helen. Rape, Violence, Complicity: Colluthus s Abduction of Helen. Arethusa 49 (2016): 61-92. [Info] Ogden, Daniel. Rape, Adultery and the Protection of Bloodlines in Classical Athens. Rape in Antiquity: Sexual Violence in the Greek and Roman Worlds. Edited by Susan Deacy et al. London 1997: 25-41. [Info] Ogden, Daniel. The Hero of Temesa: Ghosts, monsters and rape. Rape in Antiquity: 20 years on. London 2017. [Info] Omitowoju, Rosanna. The Language and Politics of Rape: Forensic and Dramatic Perspectives in Classical Athens. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Cambridge, 1996. [Info] Omitowoju, Rosanna. Regulating Rape: Soap Operas and Self-Interest in the Athenian Courts. Rape in Antiquity: Sexual Violence in the Greek and Roman Worlds. Edited by Susan Deacy et al. London 1997: 1-24. [Info] Omitowoju, Rosanna. Rape and the Politics of Consent in Classical Athens. Cambridge 2002. [Info] Olasope, Olakunbi O. Rape and Adultery in Ancient Greek and Yoruba Societies. Journal of Philosophy and Culture 5 (2014): 67-114. [Info] Paradiso, Annalisa. Schiavit femminile e violenza carnale. Stupro e coscienza dello stupro sulle schiave in Grecia. Femmes esclaves. Mod les d interpr tation anthropologique, conomique, juridique: atti del XXI Colloquio internazionale GIREA, Lacco-Ameno-Ischia, 27 - 29 ottobre 1994. Edited by Francesca R. Merola et al. Naples 1999: 145-162. [Info] Phillips, David D. The Law of Ancient Athens. Ann Arbor 2013. [Info] Pierce, Karen F. Images of argive Helen from birth to death. Dissertation, University of Lampeter, 2004. [Info] Rabinowitz, Nancy S., et al., eds. From Abortion to Pederasty: Addressing Difficult Topics in the Classics Classroom. Columbus 2014. [Info] Richlin, Amy, et al. Teaching Rape Texts in Classical Literature: Pedagogy Activism, and the American University. 140th Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association. Philadelphia 2009. [Info] Riess, Werner, et al., eds. The Topography of Violence in the Greco-Roman World. Ann Arbor 2016. [Info] Scafuro, Adele C. Discourses of Sexual Violation in Mythic Accounts and Dramatic Versions of "The Girl's Tragedy". Women in the Classical World. Vol. 1. Edited by Sharon L. James et al. London 2017: 198-229. [Info] Serino, Marco. »'Simulated' Pursuit Scenes on Red-Figure Pottery: An Iconographic Re-Contextualization.« Revisiting Rape in Antiquity: Sexualised Violence in Greek and Roman Worlds London 2023: 113-130. [Info] Sittinger, Ernst. Sex, Gewalt & grausame G tter: Interfakult res Gespr ch im Meerscheinschl l: Ein Thema, viele Facetten. UNIZEIT No. 5 (1992): 4-5. [Info] Stewart, Andrew. Rape? Pandora: Women in classical Greece. Edited by Ellen D. Reeder. Baltimore 1995: 65-79. [Info] Tetlow, Elisabeth M. Women, Crime, and Punishment in Ancient Law and Society. Vol. 2: Ancient Greece. New York 2005. [Info] Thakur, Sanjaya. Challenges for Male Instructors in Teaching Feminist Perspectives and Issues of Sexual Violence. 111th Annual Meeting of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South. Boulder 2015. [Info] van Hooff, Anton. Vergewaltigung. Antike Medizin: Ein Lexikon. Edited by Karl-Heinz Leven. Munich 2005: 895-896. [Info] Walcot, Peter. Herodotus on Rape. Arethusa 11 (1978): 137-147. [Info] Wardrop, Alex. Teaching Rape and Sexual Violence in the Classics Classroom: Reflections and responsibilities. Bulletin of the Council of University Classics Departments 41 (2012): 15-20. [Info] Widdows, Daniella. Teaching Classical Texts that Include Rape at an All Male College. Cloelia 1 (2011): 31-32. [Info] Winkler, John J. The Constraints of Desire: The Anthropology of Sex and Gender in Ancient Greece. New York 1990. [Info] Winkler, John J. Der gefesselte Eros: Sexualit t und Geschlechterverh ltnis im antiken Griechenland. Marburg 1994. [Info] Winkler, John J. D sir et contraintes en Gr ce ancienne. Paris 2005. [Info] Zolotnikova, Olga. Myths of rape of maidens in association with the cults of Artemis: Sexual assault as a cover-story in myth-making. Rape in Antiquity: 20 years on. London 2017. [Site] Hittite History [Info] D mare-Lafont, Sophie. La preuve du viol dans les droits du Proche-Orient ancien. La Preuve en justice de l'Antiquit nos jours. Edited by Bruno Lemesle. Rennes 2003: 13-22. [Info] Haase, Richard. Anatolia and the Levant: The Hittite Kingdom. A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law. Vol. 1. Edited by Raymond Westbrook. Leiden 2003: 619-656. [Info] Peled, Ilan. 'Amore, more, ore, re...': Sexual Terminology and Hittite Law. Pax Hethitica: Studies on the Hittites and their Neighbours in Honour of Itamar Singer. Edited by Yoram Cohen et al. Wiesbaden 2010: 247-260. [Info] Peled, Ilan. Crime and Sexual Offense in Hatti. Near Eastern Archaeology 78 (2015): 286-293. [Info] Peled, Ilan. Law and Gender in the Ancient Near East and the Hebrew Bible. London 2020. [Info] Scholz, Susanne. Back Then It Was Legal : The Epistemological Divide Regarding Rape Laws In Ancient Israel. Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. San Antonio 2004. [Info] Scholz, Susanne. 'Back Then It Was Legal': The Epistemological Imbalance in Readings of Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Rape Legislation. The Bible and Critical Theory 1 (2005). [Info] Scholz, Susanne. 'Back Then It Was Legal': The Epistemological Imbalance in Readings of Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Rape Legislation. Journal of Religion & Abuse 7 (2005): 5-35. [Info] Scholz, Susanne. The Bible as Political Artifact: On The Feminist Study of the Hebrew Bible. Minneapolis 2017. [Info] Stol, Marten. Vrouwen van Babylon: Prinsessen, priesteressen, prostituees in de bakermat van de cultuur. Utrecht 2012. [Info] Stol, Marten. Women in the Ancient Near East. Berlin 2016. [Site] Indian History
[Site] Israelite History
[Info] Bautch, Kelley N.C. Seduction or Rape? Examining the Fate of the Angels Wives. Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Washington, D.C. 2006. [Info] Brennan, Kathleen. The Rape of Babylon. Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. San Diego 2007. [Info] Dawson, Cindy. Hiding Sophia: Preservation of the Female Body s Value in Gnostic Mythology. Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Boston 2017. [Info] Fleishman, Joseph. Exodus 22:15-16: Seduction and Elopement Marriage; Deuteronomy 22:28-29: Rape and Abduction Marriage. International Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. London 2011. [Info] Forney, Cara M. Reconsidering the Death of Saul: Just What Was He Afraid of? Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Denver 2018. [Info] Frechette, Christopher. Daughter Babylon Raped and Bereaved (Isaiah 47): Symbolic Violence and Meaning-making in Recovery from Trauma. Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Baltimore 2013. [Info] Frolov, Serge. Punished by Rape: Reading between Judges 19 and Ezekiel, via the Song of Songs. Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Denver 2018. [Info] Frymer-Kenski, Tikva. Anatolia and the Levant: Israel. A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law. Vol. 2. Edited by Raymond Westbrook. Leiden 2003: 975-1046. [Info] Gordon, Pamela. Rape as a Military Metaphor in the Hebrew Bible. A Feminist Companion to Exodus to Deuteronomy. Edited by Athalya Brenner. Sheffield 1995: 308-325. [Info] Graybill, Rhiannon, et al., eds. Rape Culture and Religious Studies: Critical and Pedagogical Engagements. Lanham 2019. [Info] Larry, Susannah M. The Voices of Rapists: Re-Reading Lamentations 1:7-9. Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Boston 2017. [Info] Morse, Holly. »Seeing Hidden Crimes: Visual Art as Witness to Violence against Biblical Women.« Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. San Antonio 2023. [Info] Nissly, Audrey M. Exploring Female Sexual Subjectivity: The Role of Consent in Modern Rape Law and the Book of Esther. Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Boston 2017. [Info] Peled, Ilan. Law and Gender in the Ancient Near East and the Hebrew Bible. London 2020. [Info] Pietersen, Christo. Women Treated as Property: The Influence of the Ancient Near East on the Covenant Code. Journal for Semitics 30(1) (2021). [Info] Scholz, Susanne. Back Then It Was Legal : The Epistemological Divide Regarding Rape Laws In Ancient Israel. Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. San Antonio 2004. [Info] Scholz, Susanne. 'Back Then It Was Legal': The Epistemological Imbalance in Readings of Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Rape Legislation. The Bible and Critical Theory 1 (2005). [Info] Scholz, Susanne. 'Back Then It Was Legal': The Epistemological Imbalance in Readings of Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Rape Legislation. Journal of Religion & Abuse 7 (2005): 5-35. [Info] Scholz, Susanne. The Bible as Political Artifact: On The Feminist Study of the Hebrew Bible. Minneapolis 2017. [Info] Scholz, Susanne. Exploring Interpretations of Biblical Rape Texts with the Inter(con)text of the Public Discourse on the Coronavirus Pandemic. Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Virtual 2020. [Info] Southwood, Katherine E. Marriage by Capture in the Book of Judges: An Anthropological Approach. Cambridge 2017. [Info] Stol, Marten. Vrouwen van Babylon: Prinsessen, priesteressen, prostituees in de bakermat van de cultuur. Utrecht 2012. [Info] Stol, Marten. Women in the Ancient Near East. Berlin 2016. [Site] Persian History
[Info] Gammie, John G. Herodotus on Kings and Tyrants: Objective Historiography or Conventional Portraiture? Journal of Near Eastern Studies 45 (1986): 171-195. [Info] Walcot, Peter. Herodotus on Rape. Arethusa 11 (1978): 137-147. [Site] Roman History
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